Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) Monitoring employs unique monitoring technology that captures ambulatory ECG information in near real time. This technology is the newest technology in the ambulatory cardiac monitoring space which has a vast array of clinical utility. The proper indications of use for MCT should be carefully examined prior to ordering the study. Although Medicare and Private Insurance Company cover the diagnostic test, proper work up and indications must be met for the physician to order the study.
Monitor Patients around the clock with the assistance of CCT-Certified Technicians with 24-hour Patient and Provider support. Note that this service should not be used for monitoring critical arrhythmias that require immediate clinical intervention.
Providers can choose their own notification preferences. They decide when and how they want to be notified by email or phone call for the priority events.
Throughout a Patient study, the technicians keep a close eye on Patients with priority events or top priority cases. By the end of a study, the technicians generate a fully comprehensive End of Study Report. For priority events, the technicians notify the Providers along the way and send them Priority Reports accordingly.
Providers' staff are taught to:
Provider prescribes Diagnostic Medical Testing to complete a Wireless ECG Monitoring for their patient
Our devices continuously record Patient's heart rhythm abnormalities
Monitor Your Patient’s Heart Medical reports are generated using the HIPAA-Compliant Cloudbeat Cardiac monitoring system
Due to a patients medical condition, a recent procedure they had or medication they are taking, we need to watch carefully for any abnormal heart rhythms or irregular beats.